Unlimited mileage.
Minimum driver’s age to rent a car in Chania is 23 years old.
Maximum driver’s age to rent a car in Chania is 75 years old.
The driver is required to have a valid driver’s license. A minimum of 12 months driving experience is required. In Greece, and the European Union, all countries’ driving licenses are valid for a time period of 12 months.
The driver is required to have a valid ID or passport.
Traffic or Parking Violations. Any fines or penalties during the rental period shall be the responsibility of the driver.
Drinking or other. Insurance doesn’t cover any kind of drinking
Minimum rental period is 48 hours. Any hour(s) less than that will be charged additionally.
Out-of-office hours will have an additional charge.
Last-minute extend are typically charged additionally if not included.
The renter accepts that his personal data to be registered. We ensure that your personal details are safe and we have taken all the necessary measures of encryption. They might be used by the Greek Police authorities when there are certain indications that there is a criminal act or traffic violation.
Main pick-up & drop-off location is AIRPORT CHANIA.
Transportation by sea: Is not allowed. Any ship or ferry transportation of any vehicle must be with prior written approval of KEYPOINT.
If the reservation has been cancelled 24 hours prior to arrival, then no cancellation fees will be charged.
Reservations cancelled 24 hours before the arrival date are 100% non-refundable.
At pick-up, the main driver can choose from different packages of insurances & special services. KEYPONIT offers BASIC, COMFORT or PREMIUM. Depending on the category of the vehicle the customer can pay on arrival by cash, debit or credit card.
At pick-up, the main driver will leave a refundable security deposit (if applicable). Depending on the category of the vehicle the customer can pay on arrival by cash, debit or credit card.
All fuel costs are the responsibility of the renter. If the vehicle is not returned with the same level of fuel as when it was delivered to renter¸ a fuel charge equal to the difference will be added.
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